Overview :
Laboratory automation involves the development of instruments and systems to facilitate, accelerate, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of research occurring in laboratories.
For example, an important area of research is drug discovery, which is the process by which efficacious drugs are identified. This process usually involves high-throughput screening, wherein large libraries of chemicals are tested for their ability to modify a target, which is a structure involved in the pathology of interest. High-throughput screening systems involve, for example, the ability to rapidly deliver an accurate amount of a very small quantity of liquid to a precise location, such as to one of 96 or 384 or more wells in a micro-titre plate.
Click on a link below to see some of our work in High-Throughput Testing:
Tissue: USP 7,179,637 USP 7,364,905
Drugs/Chemicals: USP 7,579,194 USP 6,742,549 USP 6,644,364
USP 6,570,158 USP 6,365,412 USP 7,028,726
Analytical Systems:
USP 6,570,158 USP 6,563,117 USP 5,938,932 USP 6,410,342
Micro-fluidic Dispensing:
USP 6,964,358 USP 6,357,636 USP 6,886,610 USP 6,786,253